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Friday, October 11, 07:24:53pm | [ Login ] [Mainindex ] [ Postanewmessage ] [ Search |Checkupdatetime | Archives: 1,2,3,[4],5 ] |
Date Posted: Tuesday, October 15, 08:58:57pm
Author: Al
Subject: Re: Not this year, clown
In reply to:Hugh's message, "Not this year, clown" on Monday, September 30, 09:35:05pm
barrack hussein obama took his first oath of office..shortly thereafter, with a majority house and senate, his administration locked chamber doors to the minority party. his afa didn't have a single republican vote..."you have to pass it to see what's in it" is mind boggling in itself. the AFA was promo'd as "NOT A TAX "by the administration, yet the same administration argued to the supreme court " IT IS A TAX " in order for it to fall under the limits of the u.s. constitution...the day barrack hussein obama took his first oath of office, there festered class warfare , and racial divide on a scale that would have made the KKK proud, instead of being a leader and attempting to put the fire s out, he fanned them .his first term was nothing more than another never ending campaign for a second. and he traveled the world apologizing for america's behavior under previous administrations..he made promises he had no intention of keeping , and layers are still being peeled back proving the corruptness and un truths of his administraton, being perpetrated on the american people.. fast & furious...benghazi...NSA...IRS...FEC...ETC..ETC...for whatever reasons, all of his pre-employment (as senator and president ) and scholastic records have been sealed.HIS wealth multiplied to almost $13million, or roughly 25 X what it was when he was only a senator, on salary of .5 million per year.. $.5mil X 5 years = $2.5mill.. the amount of debt he put us in is embarrassing, and shameful...my 1st grandchild is about to arrive around the end of the month. before he or she takes it's first breath ,our country lost it's ability to compromise, act rationally, and work together to meet the needs of it's citizens the day barrack hussein obama took his first oath of office..shortly thereafter, with a majority house and senate, his administration locked chamber doors to the minority party. his afa didn't have a single republican vote..."you have to pass it to see what's in it" is mind boggling in itself. the AFA was promo'd as "NOT A TAX "by the administration, yet the same administration argued to the supreme court " IT IS A TAX " in order for it to fall under the limits of the u.s. constitution...the day barrack hussein obama took his first oath of office, there festered class warfare , and racial divide on a scale that would have made the KKK proud, instead of being a leader and attempting to put the fire s out, he fanned them .his first term was nothing more than another never ending campaign for a second. and he traveled the world apologizing for america's behavior under previous administrations..he made promises he had no intention of keeping , and layers are still being peeled back proving the corruptness and un truths of his administraton, being perpetrated on the american people.. fast & furious...benghazi...NSA...IRS...FEC...ETC..ETC...for whatever reasons, all of his pre-employment (as senator and president ) and scholastic records have been sealed.HIS wealth multiplied to almost $13million, or roughly 25 X what it was when he was only a senator, on salary of .5 million per year.. $.5mil X 5 years = $2.5mill.. the amount of debt he put us in is embarrassing, and shameful...my 1st grandchild is about to arrive around the end of the month. before he or she takes it's first breath ,it will owe the u.s federal government almost $70,000. no other president or politician, or private citizen could come close to doing anything remotely resembling the decisions this guy has made (in his own best interest ) and get away with not being brought up on criminal charges... but other than that, best wishes to all..!! unfortunately most in government are not there for the pay, they are there because of their ego's....and i have never seen a "leader " of the free world with an ego as big as our sitting president..just yesterday, while he kept the ww2 veterans memorial barricaded, he allowed an immigration reform rally to take place...he picks and chooses blatantly, and has the most one sided, slanted way to "govern' just because i respond at length, doesn't make me tyranical. not a single thing that i wrote is not absolutely true...our health insurance we've paid for religiously for at a great cost through the years got cancelled on oct 1, and has been trying every day to access the AFA website, with no results. as a small business owner for over 36 years, i see first hand what government red tape is and how "too many cooks spoil the soup". as far as a single person being responsible, i completely dis agree with you...if i have 50 employees at my shop, and you bring your car in for me to fix, and for whatever reason ii can't get it done, the deal falls squarely on my shoulders...i can't say..."it's the guy's before me that screwed it up" or "my dog ate my spray gun"...i am the one in charge, so it's my fault..period. this president has been in power for 5 years and can't get it done. he has no executive experience , nor any diplomatic skills. his past was sealed for whatever reasons, and the proof is in the pudding. when he got elected his first term, although he was not my choice, i stood behind him and wished him well...my well wishes were met with the most divisive attitude i have ever seen by a U.S president in my lifetime which goes back to ike. he encouraged warfare between the classes, and between the races. that's why i referred to the KKK. there are many , many taped speeches where he encourages divide...it is a shame that you are not able to see that, but i am not surprised..no one who is a fan of him has the ability to see reality. he has made the american dream, the very dream that propelled him to his lofty position..to be something americans should be ashamed of...i live in the real world and react to reality, there are countless things, one after another that boggle my mind that , although he does everything to deflect our country lost it's ability to compromise, act rationally, and work together to meet the needs of it's citizens the day barrack hussein obama took his first oath of office..shortly thereafter, with a majority house and senate, his administration locked chamber doors to the minority party. his afa didn't have a single republican vote..."you have to pass it to see what's in it" is mind boggling in itself. the AFA was promo'd as "NOT A TAX "by the administration, yet the same administration argued to the supreme court " IT IS A TAX " in order for it to fall under the limits of the u.s. constitution...the day barrack hussein obama took his first oath of office, there festered class warfare , and racial divide on a scale that would have made the KKK proud, instead of being a leader and attempting to put the fire s out, he fanned them .his first term was nothing more than another never ending campaign for a second. and he traveled the world apologizing for america's behavior under previous administrations..he made promises he had no intention of keeping , and layers are still being peeled back proving the corruptness and un truths of his administraton, being perpetrated on the american people.. fast & furious...benghazi...NSA...IRS...FEC...ETC..ETC...for whatever reasons, all of his pre-employment (as senator and president ) and scholastic records have been sealed.HIS wealth multiplied to almost $13million, or roughly 25 X what it was when he was only a senator, on salary of .5 million per year.. $.5mil X 5 years = $2.5mill.. the amount of debt he put us in is embarrassing, and shameful...my 1st grandchild is about to arrive around the end of the month. before he or she takes it's first breath ,it will owe the u.s federal government almost $70,000. no other president or politician, or private citizen could come close to doing anything remotely resembling the decisions this guy has made (in his own best interest ) and get away with not being brought up on criminal charges... but other than that, best wishes to all..!! unfortunately most in government are not there for the pay, they are there because of their ego's....and i have never seen a "leader " of the free world with an ego as big as our sitting president..just yesterday, while he kept the ww2 veterans memorial barricaded, he allowed an immigration reform rally to take place...he picks and chooses blatantly, and has the most one sided, slanted way to "govern' just because i respond at length, doesn't make me tyranical. not a single thing that i wrote is not absolutely true...our health insurance we've paid for religiously for at a great cost through the years got cancelled on oct 1, and jackie has been trying every day to access the AFA website, with no results. as a small business owner for over 36 years, i see first hand what government red tape is and how "too many cooks spoil the soup". as far as a single person being responsible, i completely dis agree with you...if i have 50 employees at my shop, and you bring your car in for me to fix, and for whatever reason ii can't get it done, the deal falls squarely on my shoulders...i can't say..."it's the guy's before me that screwed it up" or "my dog ate my spray gun"...i am the one in charge, so it's my fault..period. this president has been in power for 5 years and can't get it done. he has no executive experience , nor any diplomatic skills. his past was sealed for whatever reasons, and the proof is in the pudding. when he got elected his first term, although he was not my choice, i stood behind him and wished him well...my well wishes were met with the most divisive attitude i have ever seen by a U.S president in my lifetime which goes back to ike. he encouraged warfare between the classes, and between the races. that's why i referred to the KKK. there are many , many taped speeches where he encourages divide...it is a shame that you are not able to see that, but i am not surprised..no one who is a fan of him has the ability to see reality. he has made the american dream, the very dream that propelled him to his lofty position..to be something americans should be ashamed of...i live in the real world and react to reality, there are countless things, one after another that boggle my mind that , although he does everything to deflect them,fall squarely on his shoulders, and his alone. i believe it's time enough for him to accept responsibility and , after 5 years learn to be a leader...i hope you realize my opinion is just that, and i mean no disrespect to you or any of my liberal friends..as far as my respect of the office of the president of the usa..?? i am not the only one who is not happy with him, and he himself brought his lack of respect on...just yesterday, he could have made a noble move, and while he allowed the immigration rally to take place, he could have made big points removing the barriers to the ww2 memorial, but he chose not to... r family lives within your means..how would it be if you ran up your debt way beyond your means, then in an effort to "fix " things, begged for more credit... and more...and more...if obama was a pro baseball mgr...he'd be gone...a pro football coach..?? gone... a ceo...? gone. the 2 012 election is in the books, but there are facts there was massive "Disruption" to many groups which very well could have changed the outcome . they were perpetrated by the IRS and FEC. "silly accusation" you say...??? then why would the iRS even bother... today's hearings were shameful...the democratic inquisitor and the irs big cheese's mockery and reference to the salem witch hunts makes my comment about the kkk childsplay. this administration is carefully picking and choosing which venues to close and which to keep open and trying to inflict as much pain as possible to prove their point. if obama "allowed" the immigration reform rally, he could've "allowed" the armed forces memorials open...and closed "his" golf courses, which require far more $$$ to run than slabs of stone... $17,000,000,000,000 debt ... ... ... the affordable healthcare act just talked a bunch of mega companies into dumping their full time help and make them part time. our premiums doubled in the last year.. a 100% increase...but as i look around, i do see a booming economy, lots of new business startups..unemployment a thing of the past, and america looking strong and healthy on the world stage..i have complete faith in the irs, because i know they would never target people based on their political views, and i feel very good that the commander in chief is very experienced in world diplomacy..heck, he's a nobel peace prize winner...and i'm extremely satisfied how this administration managed to pinpoint just what happened in benghazi, and how they brought the murderers to justice...good job..!! and i'm especially proud of the way our president addressed the gang violence in his "hometown "of chicago and drastically reduced the number of murders daily...their strict gun control laws really made an impression on the thugs...and best of all, next month when my first grandchild arrives, he'll /she'll be saddled with a $ 40,000 debt BEFORE THEY CAN TAKE THEIR FIRST BREATH OF AIR...! tax....spend...tax more...spend more...tax even more...spend even way more...etc...etc...the democratic way... the REAL bottom line: wonder how things might've turned out had the IRS allowed the "other than obama fans " forms fair treatment...? unlike most libs...you never have to guess where i stand...( obama: voted present 98% as a senator) espite this administration's most tenacious efforts to make the american citizens COMPLETELY DEPENDENT on government, i will not become unemployed (because i'm self employed ) go on welfare ..or take a single cent from our federal government..i will not father many babies with different "baby mommas " and have the taxpayers pay for their support...nor will i blame anyone other than myself if them,fall squarely on his shoulders, and his alone. i believe it's time enough for him to accept responsibility and , after 5 years learn to be a leader...i hope you realize my opinion is just that, and i mean no disrespect to you or any of my liberal friends..as far as my respect of the office of the president of the usa..?? i am not the only one who is not happy with him, and he himself brought his lack of respect on...just yesterday, he could have made a noble move, and while he allowed the immigration rally to take place, he could have made big points removing the barriers to the ww2 memorial, but he chose not to... where i come from,the buck stops here...who's in charge...??? a bad mechanic always blames his tools. your family lives within your means..how would it be if you ran up your debt way beyond your means, then in an effort to "fix " things, begged for more credit... and more...and more...if obama was a pro baseball mgr...he'd be gone...a pro football coach..?? gone... a ceo...? gone. the 2 012 election is in the books, but there are facts there was massive "Disruption" to many groups which very well could have changed the outcome . they were perpetrated by the IRS and FEC. "silly accusation" you say...??? then why would the iRS even bother... today's hearings were shameful...the democratic inquisitor and the irs big cheese's mockery and reference to the salem witch hunts makes my comment about the kkk childsplay. this administration is carefully picking and choosing which venues to close and which to keep open and trying to inflict as much pain as possible to prove their point. if obama "allowed" the immigration reform rally, he could've "allowed" the armed forces memorials open...and closed "his" golf courses, which require far more $$$ to run than slabs of stone... what's happening with your health insurance..? .we got a cancellation notice...every one of my friends that are self employed got the same form letter.. in all of the 36 years i'm in business, i have never been cancelled, or had any problems with the ins co's...aside from the regular "insurance red tape " at least we didn't have to deal with another layer of red tape (the government running our health insurance )...there were times that was working and provided the insurance, then we cancelled our private ins. aside from the astronomical cost, we got used to the payment, and struggled to pay it, then over a year ago our premiums almost doubled...a direct result of the supreme court decision which labled the ACA a TAX to fall under the constitution...we have to sign up with the ACA or face a fine...who's holding who hostage...?? i'm really curious to hear from you how you are affected..other friends i have that are in unions are being told they 're costs are going way up...believe me sharon, i think you know me well enough to realize that i always do my best and try to help my fellow humans here on earth at all times...nothing would make me happier then to see this administration treat our veterans and servicemen and elderly and poor with dignity.the treatment i have seen with my own eyes is nothing short of despicable..what harm could it have done if obama had a press conference and apologized to the families of the fallen on behalf of the us government for the "mix up" and told them things were fixed.instead his guys repeat it's the repubs fault...an issue such as military, should be off limits..period.....the irs should be partisan in doing their job and not engaging in partisan politics..i feel as if by venting my opinion i am endangering myself and my family's healthcare, because a partisan agency (the IRS) will be the overseer... imagine THAT someone like me, a person that when asked about the nsa spying and the patriot act "infringing on my right to privacy" used to say .."heck..let them listen in..they'll be bored soon enough besides, my life is an open book " i remember how i felt on 9-11-01 when i knew we lost a good friend(at cantor ) and thought i lost my best friend(who made it out ..i picked him up that evening , then went in the next day to get his daughter out of columbia) i remember the feeling, that now i have to look behind me and make sure my home is safe,but there could be a terrorist in the area...i have that same feeling now, and frankly i don't like it before he or she takes it's first breath ,it will owe the u.s federal government almost $70,000. no other president or politician, or private citizen could come close to doing anything remotely resembling the decisions this guy has made (in his own best interest ) and get away with not being brought up on criminal charges... but other than that, best wishes to all..!! unfortunately most in government are not there for the pay, they are there because of their ego's....and i have never seen a "leader " of the free world with an ego as big as our sitting president..just yesterday, while he kept the ww2 veterans memorial barricaded, he allowed an immigration reform rally to take place...he picks and chooses blatantly, and has the most one sided, slanted way to "govern' just because i respond at length, doesn't make me tyranical. not a single thing that i wrote is not absolutely true...our health insurance we've paid for religiously for at a great cost through the years got cancelled on oct 1, and has been trying every day to access the AFA website, with no results. as a small business owner for over 36 years, i see first hand what government red tape is and how "too many cooks spoil the soup". as far as a single person being responsible, i completely dis agree with you...if i have 50 employees at my shop, and you bring your car in for me to fix, and for whatever reason ii can't get it done, the deal falls squarely on my shoulders...i can't say..."it's the guy's before me that screwed it up" or "my dog ate my spray gun"...i am the one in charge, so it's my fault..period. this president has been in power for 5 years and can't get it done. he has no executive experience , nor any diplomatic skills. his past was sealed for whatever reasons, and the proof is in the pudding. when he got elected his first term, although he was not my choice, i stood behind him and wished him well...my well wishes were met with the most divisive attitude i have ever seen by a U.S president in my lifetime which goes back to ike. he encouraged warfare between the classes, and between the races. that's why i referred to the KKK. there are many , many taped speeches where he encourages divide...it is a shame that you are not able to see that, but i am not surprised..no one who is a fan of him has the ability to see reality. he has made the american dream, the very dream that propelled him to his lofty position..to be something americans should be ashamed of...i live in the real world and react to reality, there are countless things, one after another that boggle my mind that , although he does everything to deflect our country lost it's ability to compromise, act rationally, and work together to meet the needs of it's citizens the day it will owe the u.s federal government almost $70,000. no other president or politician, or private citizen could come close to doing anything remotely resembling the decisions this guy has made (in his own best interest ) and get away with not being brought up on criminal charges... but other than that, best wishes
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Replies:- Yeah, that's it -- Champ, Friday, November 01, 05:53:16pm
- No way! -- Clem, Tuesday, July 28, 05:32:06pm
- Fascist regime? -- Owl, Monday, September 10, 07:11:59pm
- No way! -- Clem, Tuesday, July 28, 05:32:06pm