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DOI:10.1182/BLOOD-2005-06-2252 - Corpus ID: 10511914
@article{Hutchings2006FDGPETAT, title={FDG-PET after two cycles of chemotherapy predicts treatment failure and progression-free survival in Hodgkin lymphoma.}, author={Martin Hutchings and Annika Loft and Mads Hansen and Lars M{\o}ller Pedersen and Thora Buhl and Jesper Jurlander and Simon Buus and Susanne Keiding and Francesco d'Amore and Anne Marie Boesen and Anne Kiil Berthelsen and Lena Specht}, journal={Blood}, year={2006}, volume={107 1}, pages={ 52-9 }, url={}}
- M. Hutchings, A. Loft, L. Specht
- Published in Blood 2006
- Medicine
For prediction of PFS, interim FDG-PET was as accurate after two cycles as later during treatment and superior to computerized tomography (CT) at all times and in regression analyses, early interimFDG- PET was stronger than established prognostic factors.
731 Citations
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731 Citations
- J. CerciL. F. Pracchia J. C. Meneghetti
- 2010
The Journal of Nuclear Medicine
A negative interim 18F-FDG PET result is highly predictive of treatment success in overall HL patients, as well as in subgroups of patients with early or advanced-stage disease and with low or high IPS risk.
- 141
- M. HutchingsL. Kostakoglu M. Coleman
- 2014
Journal of clinical oncology : official journal…
PET after one cycle of chemotherapy is highly prognostic in HL, and in the absence of precise pretherapeutic predictive markers, PET1 is the best method for response-adapted strategies designed to select patients for less intensive treatment.
- 78
- Aurore IltisV. EderH. BlascoP. ColombatD. Sénécal
- 2014
Acta Haematologica
It is suggested that salvage therapy for non-responder Hodgkin lymphoma using interim FDG-PET could improve the PFS of this group of patients.
- 2
- J. SvobodaC. Andreadis S. Schuster
- 2006
Bone Marrow Transplantation
A retrospective analysis of 50 lymphoma patients who had an 18F-fluoro-deoxyglucose positron emission tomography scan after at least two cycles of salvage chemotherapy and before autologous stem cell transplantation (ASCT) indicated an extremely poor chance of durable response after ASCT.
- 86
- G. SimontacchiA. Filippi U. Ricardi
- 2015
International journal of radiation oncology…
- 31
- S. QuerellouF. Valette O. Couturier
- 2006
Annals of Hematology
FDG-PET at mid-treatment can predict the outcome of patients with aggressive lymphoma and should be a useful tool to modify an ineffective therapy.
- 59
- C. MoskowitzH. Schöder A. Zelenetz
- 2010
Journal of clinical oncology : official journal…
Interim or post-treatment FDG-PET evaluation did not predict outcome with this dose-dense, sequential immunochemotherapy program, and outside of a clinical trial, it is recommended to recommend biopsy confirmation of an abnormal interim FDg-PET scan before changing therapy.
- 313
- J. MarkováC. Kobe Tomas Kozak
- 2009
Annals of oncology : official journal of the…
A very good negative predictive value of PET-4 in advanced-stage HL patients treated with BEACOPP is indicated, while there was no progression or relapse in PET- 4-negative patients.
- 60
- R. AdvaniL. Maeda S. Horning
- 2007
Journal of clinical oncology : official journal…
PET status after chemotherapy is strongly predictive of FFP with the Stanford V regimen despite the use of consolidative radiotherapy, and these results have implications for the design of clinical trials adapted to functional imaging.
- 48
- R. PaoliniL. Rampin D. Rubello
- 2007
Nuclear medicine review. Central & Eastern Europe
The preliminary data of the present study confirm those of previous published studies about the negative predictive value of (18)F-FDG-PET/CT performed after four and six chemotherapy cycles, which contributed to the decision to stop treatment and to avoid radiotherapy in HL patients.
- 7
49 References
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Annals of oncology : official journal of the…
Early interimFDG-PET is an accurate and independent predictor of PFS and OS in HL and a positive interim FDG- PET is highly predictive of relapse in advanced-stage disease.
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- N. MikhaeelM. HutchingsP. FieldsM. O'DohertyA. Timothy
- 2005
Annals of oncology : official journal of the…
An early assessment of chemotherapy response with FDG-PET could provide the basis for selection of patients for alternative therapeutic strategies and be an accurate and independent predictor of PFS and OS.
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- L. KostakogluM. ColemanJ. LeonardI. KujiHolly ZoeS. Goldsmith
- 2002
Journal of nuclear medicine : official…
F-FDG PET after 1 cycle of chemotherapy is predictive of 18-mo outcome in patients with aggressive NHL and HD and may earlier identify patients who would benefit from more intensive treatment programs.
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- T. TorizukaFumitoshi Nakamura Y. Ouchi
- 2003
European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and…
When performed early during chemotherapy, FDG-PET may be predictive of clinical outcome and allows differentiation of responders from non-responders in cases of aggressive lymphoma.
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Persistent tumoral uptake after a few cycles of polychemotherapy is predictive of CR, PFS and OS in NHL and the sensitivity of qualitative (18)F-FDG PET imaging in identifying patients with a poor outcome was insufficient.
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FDG-PET is an accurate method of assessing remission and estimating prognosis following treatment of aggressive NHL, with positive and negative predictive accuracies of 100% and 82% respectively.
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Annals of oncology : official journal of the…
Early restaging [(18)F]FDG-PET may be used to tailor induction chemotherapy in patients with aggressive NHL.
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- C. HaiounE. Itti M. Meignan
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Predictive value of "early PET" was observed in both the lower-risk and higher-risk groups, indicating prognostic independence from the IPI, and FDG-PET should be an early guide to first-line strategies in aggressive lymphoma.
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- J. FriedbergA. Fischman A. D. Van den Abbeele
- 2004
Diagnostic PET and gallium are largely concordant, with the exception of unique detection of splenic disease by PET, although more patients have persistently positive PET at the end of chemotherapy compared with gallium, although only half of these patients have relapsed.
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- Wolfgang RömerAxel-R. Hanauske M. Schwaiger
- 1998
Dynamic data acquisition combined with Patlak analysis of FDG kinetics may provide superior information in therapy monitoring andFDG uptake at 42 days after therapy was superior in prediction of long-term outcome over day 7 parameters.
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