Guide for Batman: Arkham Origins (2025)

Once you have read the previous pages, start your Batman game by going into Story - New Game and set the difficulty to normal (just so you can get a feel for the combat system, preparing you for I Am The Night Mode) and set your Subtitles, Hints and Brightness to your preferred settings.

Blackgate Prison

First off, watch or skip the first cutscene (Guide for Batman: Arkham Origins (1), Guide for Batman: Arkham Origins (2)). After that, walk over to a blocked doorway (blocked by a sign saying "Blackgate West Wing") and crawl underneath it (Guide for Batman: Arkham Origins (3)). Continue going through the corridor until you come to a busted pipe, again crawl underneath it. You should see Warden Joseph being hit in the face by a baseball bat. Batman will immediately walk behind the thug and then you have to counter his attack when prompted with (Guide for Batman: Arkham Origins (4)). Warden Joseph will try the same, so make sure you counter when prompted.

After that, continue following the path until you reach a room full of prisoners. Beat all of them up and then interrogate the last enemy with Guide for Batman: Arkham Origins (5). After exiting that room you will find one of Penguin's drones, so follow it; it will lead you to an ambush. Like with the last room, knock out the 2 thugs and then proceed by grappling up the grate and crawling through the hole. Now you will meet your first armoured enemy. Simply perform a Beatdown (Guide for Batman: Arkham Origins (6), Guide for Batman: Arkham Origins (7)-repeatedly) and grapple to the ledge Killer Croc was located on.

After you have walked through the door, go into Detective mode (Guide for Batman: Arkham Origins (8)) and throw a Batarang at the switch. Slide underneath the crack into a room with 4 prisoners. Once you have defeated them, walk up to the switch and press it with (Guide for Batman: Arkham Origins (9)). Walk into the elevator shaft and use your Explosive Gel on the floor and detonate it. Drop down and pull open the grate. Crawl through the ventilation system and proceed by beating up all thugs in the next room.

You should notice that a thug has run off as he is terrified and has hidden behind a gate. Walk into the room to the right of you and pull down the grate off of the wall by selecting your Batclaw and firing it at the grate. Run and climb up the wall into the vents then crawl through them and place Explosive Gel on the wall, blowing the enemy on the other side to smithereens.

Proceed through the doorway and look at the door with two switches. Take a step back and double tap Guide for Batman: Arkham Origins (10) to open the door (if it doesn't work first time, try again as both Batarangs did not hit or it was not fast enough). Walk through the door, pull the grate off of the wall with the Batclaw and crawl through the vents again in order to witness the Commisoners death. Then dive through the window and knock out the thugs that burst through the door almost straight after you dive through.

Proceed through the door and turn right, then keep on going until you reach the drone you saw earlier (smashed by Killer Croc) to retrieve the data car inside it. Continue on up through the shaft. Now you are at your first boss fight. This is quite simple: all you have to do is stun and perform a Beatdown of a x10 combo and then keep on quick firing the Batarangs at Killer Croc when he is holding a propane tank. Repeat this 2 more times (every time you Beatdown Killer Croc after the first time, you will need to escape by spamming the Guide for Batman: Arkham Origins (11) button). Congratulations, you have completed the tutorial.


Upon reaching the Batcave you should have leveled up. Your first upgrade should go towards upgrading your armour. Scroll through the tabs on the select option until you get to Waynetech, then go into Close Combat Upgrades and upgrade your armour. After that, walk over to the Bat computer and interact with it. This should give you:

City of Assassins

Identify Black Mask's assassins

Guide for Batman: Arkham Origins (12)

1 guideGuide for Batman: Arkham Origins (13)Guide for Batman: Arkham Origins (14)Guide for Batman: Arkham Origins (15)

After the cutscene, head straight for the Batwing and head to Jezebel Plaza in Coventry (upgrade yourself at will, but upgrade your armour as a priority).

Coventry Tower

Once inside, go straight ahead until you reach the double doors and then open them. Drop a smoke pellet and then grapple up to the vantage point. Maneuver your way across the vantage point until you can perform an inverted takedown. After you have performed the inverted takedown, head over to the vent and open it, crawl through the vent and just before you exit the vent you will need to perform a vent takedown. Turn right and run into the vent shape in the wall and crawl through It.

On the other side perform a wall takedown with Guide for Batman: Arkham Origins (16) and this should give you the first challenge in the Worst Nightmare track. Head towards the hostage and turn left through the doors. After going through the doors you will need to grapple up and perform a ledge takedown. Follow the path and go through the door into your first crime scene. Complete the crime scene (tips in Case File and Most Wanted help). Use the Cryptographic Sequencer on the door, go through it and then go up the ladder. Open the door directly in front of you and use the Cryptogarphic Sequencer on the panel in front of you. Turn around and go out of the other door and climb the ladder which takes you into free roam.

Free Roam 1

As soon as you get outside, run and glide without going downwards in-between the two buildings in front of you (Gotham Protector 1), then grapple up to the gargoyles in your area and proceed to glide, but then dive bomb straight away until you reach the ground (Gotham Protector 2).

Fly towards the bridge and complete the Crime in Progress (complete these as they appear; complete 20 for the "Clean Streets" achievement). During the fight, make sure that you perform 5 counters (Shadow Vigilante 1). Turn around and grapple on top of the ledge, jump off of the ledge and glide across the bridge by using your Grapnel Accelerator (Guide for Batman: Arkham Origins (17), Guide for Batman: Arkham Origins (18) while grappling) on every line until you reach the other side of the bridge.

Point to Point

Glide across Bridge without touching ground

Guide for Batman: Arkham Origins (19)

4 guidesGuide for Batman: Arkham Origins (20)Guide for Batman: Arkham Origins (21)

After you have crossed the bridge, turn around and go into the higher part at the middle of the bridge and complete the AR training. Go straight for your objective by following the objective marker. Drop down and as soon as you make a x3 combo, quickfire the Batarang 3 times (Guide for Batman: Arkham Origins (22) ,Guide for Batman: Arkham Origins (23)) (Shadow Vigilante 2 won't show up until end of fight) and then build up your combo to a x8 (Shadow Vigilante 3). When this is accomplished you will need to perform the Guide for Batman: Arkham Origins (24)+Guide for Batman: Arkham Origins (25) takedown as soon as the combo meter goes yellow.

After you have finished the fight you will be sent to the Comms Tower. On the ground (just in front of the Comms Tower) there will be a group of enemies, so collect your remaining Guide for Batman: Arkham Origins (26)+Guide for Batman: Arkham Origins (27) takedowns on them (Shadow Vigilante 4). Go on top of the building and defeat the enemies there (try to get a x12 combo here and finish the fight in the same combo for Shadow Vigilante 5).

Throw a remote-controlled Batarang through the electrical barrier to hit the fuse box. Open the two doors and use the Cryptographic Sequencer on the panel. After hacking the panel, leave the Comms Tower and hack the communication to Penguin's frequency. Before triangulating the signal by collecting the SIM cards, scour the streets of Gotham for groups of enemies in order to get to the x12 combo while not losing that first x12 combo you get (combo meter red, do not use special takedowns). Find another group of enemies and do 3 variations (strike, counter, evade over their head, takedown, gadgets, etc) in one combo (Shadow Vigilante 6).

Go towards the first SIM card and when you are in the area with the laptop, a fight will commence. Place down quickfire Explosive Gel (Guide for Batman: Arkham Origins (28)+Guide for Batman: Arkham Origins (29)) and then fight while on top of it until 3 enemies are in its radius. When three enemies are within its radius, press the quickfire button again to detonate the Explosive gel. Check in your menu to see if it has unlocked (3rd tab along - Shadow vigilante 7); if it has unlocked then begin to sprint in any direction and slide into two enemies (Shadow Vigilante 8). Stun any enemy and start a beatdown on him until an enemy strikes, counter that enemy and continue the beatdown (Shadow Vigilante 9). Finish the fight and collect the SIM card (if you haven't got those challenges, then wonder the streets for enemies to complete the challenges on).

Track the signal of the SIM card and then proceed to the next location. When at the next location you will need to perform 3 silent takedowns without being seen (Worst Nightmare 2) then collect the SIM card. Head to Penguin's location and when you get onto the ships surface there will be a predator encounter which you will have to complete undetected and only using silent takedowns (Worst Nightmare). This will also give you these 2 achievements (there will be other opportunities for these 2 achievements). Enter the Final Offer.

Anyone see that?

Complete a predator encounter without ever being spotted

Guide for Batman: Arkham Origins (30)

3 guidesGuide for Batman: Arkham Origins (31)Guide for Batman: Arkham Origins (32)

Silent Knight

Complete a predator encounter using only silent takedowns

Guide for Batman: Arkham Origins (33)

4 guidesGuide for Batman: Arkham Origins (34)Guide for Batman: Arkham Origins (35)

The Final Offer

As soon as you enter the Final Offer a fight will commence showing you how to knife dodge. Complete the fight, go through the door, follow the hallway and open the door. This is a high-level threat fight so if you get hit or fail to do it in one combo, reset the fight. To keep it in one combo be careful with the armed enemy and use takedowns whenever possible (Shadow Vigilante 10). If you get hit or fail to do it in one combo then restart the checkpoint.

After the fight go through the door and follow the path to deck one. When you reach a hallway of water you will have to jump over the little gap and follow the path. When at the end of the path you should jump on the pipe and follow it until the end, and then jump onto the platform. Glide kick into any enemy and continue your combo into free flow mode (x12). When you get into free flow mode, quickfire the Batarang (Guide for Batman: Arkham Origins (36), Guide for Batman: Arkham Origins (37)); perform this 2 more times in any fight.

Batclaw the floating platform and jump onto it, and Batclaw the handles until you reach the end where you will have to Batclaw the ceiling; do it and grapple up there. Turn right and go up the stairs through the door. Straight ahead of you, try to go through the door where it should be locked, so turn towards the gas and wait for it to turn off. Once there is a break in the gas, go through it and grapple up to the platform and then do it again on the next platform. There will be a hallway with gas blocking it, so wait for each gas to break up and run down the hallway, and then turn left and grapple up.

When you are up, Batclaw the hatch (number 5 just below it) and go through it into the arena. Strike the Electrocutioner once and proceed with the set of enemies after him. Use this fight to get the last of your free flow gadgets as you did before (Shadow Vigilante 11). Go through the door with the exit sign hanging above it and go up the stairs. Turn left, go through the B6 door, go down the stairs and drop down the gap with the broken ladder on the floor. Turn right, jump over the gap, continue the run and slide when prompted. Run and jump into the crawlspace and crawl through it. Run straight ahead and slide when necessary.

When you land, go towards the ice and plant Explosive Gel onto it and blow it up. Grapple up to the first two platforms until you reach a Cryptographic Sequencer panel (ignore it) and jump to the black and yellow bar. Shimmy along it until you can grapple to the platform above you, turn left and continue to grapple until you reach two enemies. Knock them out and continue the path to the door and open it. Continue along the path and defeat the enemies blocking the door. Once you get through there, look up and Batclaw the ceiling handle in order to make a hole in the ceiling. Grapple up and crawl through the vent that you will see on your left.

Once through the vent, follow the only path into a bar and open the double doors and defeat the three enemies below you. Another wave of enemies will appear and you can get your x50 combo here (an easier way will be referenced later in the walkthrough). Once they are defeated, turn on Detective vision and run towards the enemy. They will be blocked so turn right until you reach the wall, look left and open the vent, then crawl through it. Use the Cryptographic Sequencer on the panel in order to open the doors.

Go back through the vent and defeat the enemies, then go through the door you just opened and push the button to call the elevator. Go up the elevator and apprehend Tracey. Use the Cryptographic Sequencer on the panel above the computers, dive through the glass and try to open the once-barred double doors; this will introduce you to Enforcers. Ultra stun the Enforcer and perform beatdowns on him. After the fight, go through the Theater doors again and head straight into the theater. If you didn't get those achievements on top of the boat, then get them in this area (Worst Nightmare 3, unlocks Sonic Batarang).

Go through the door behind the hostage and defeat the Penguin's enemies; this will start the Deathstroke boss battle. First of all you will want to wait for Deathstroke to attack you and then immediately counter (Guide for Batman: Arkham Origins (38)) and hit Deathstroke 2 times (Guide for Batman: Arkham Origins (39), Guide for Batman: Arkham Origins (40)), then evade over him (Guide for Batman: Arkham Origins (41), Guide for Batman: Arkham Origins (42)) and proceed to hit Deathstroke once. Evade over him again until you can perform a combo takedown. If Deathstroke does counter you, do not press Guide for Batman: Arkham Origins (43) straight away, instead wait to be prompted. You will know this is possible when the combo counter goes yellow or red instead of the usual white and perform the Guide for Batman: Arkham Origins (44)+Guide for Batman: Arkham Origins (45) combo takedown. This will bring you to the end of phase one of three.

During the QTE (quick time event) you will have to repeatedly press the Guide for Batman: Arkham Origins (46) button and then repeatedly press the Guide for Batman: Arkham Origins (47) button (doing this will give you a combo of 15). After the quick time event, immediately use your Guide for Batman: Arkham Origins (48)+Guide for Batman: Arkham Origins (49) combo takedown and continue with the one-punch evade technique until Deathstrome jumps towards the barrels to throw at you. In order to counter this you will have to press Guide for Batman: Arkham Origins (50) and this will damage Deathstroke. While Deathstrole is stunned you should use the Batclaw slam (Guide for Batman: Arkham Origins (51)+Guide for Batman: Arkham Origins (52), Guide for Batman: Arkham Origins (53)) and continue with the punch evade method until the second QTE (which is the same as the first and last QTE). After you have finished that QTE, use the Guide for Batman: Arkham Origins (54)+Guide for Batman: Arkham Origins (55) combo takedown and the same method as the first two phases until the end of the fight. If you finish without being hit you will get the Point Counter Point achievement:

Point Counter-Point

Complete Deathstroke without failing a single counter

Guide for Batman: Arkham Origins (56)

11 guidesGuide for Batman: Arkham Origins (57)Guide for Batman: Arkham Origins (58)Guide for Batman: Arkham Origins (59)

Use Deathstroke's Remote Claw on the point above you and climb to the spoiler deck. Try to open the door and wait for Penguin to speak on the projector. Glide to the projector, go through the door underneath it and go back the way you came through until Batman points out the Remote Claw points; use it and zipline across. Continue going the way you went while ignoring Anarchy and leave the boat.

Free Roam 2

Grapple up to the sniper vantage point (above Anarchy's head) and talk to the first Anarchy informer. Head to the first Anarchy bomb on top of the Bank and defuse it by ramming your fist in to it. Open all other Comms Towers except for Amusement Mile and the Diamond District.

Park Row - head to the building next to the Comms Tower with enemies on top of it and defeat them. After this, go through the grate and climb through to the other side. Turn to the hole in the wall and throw a RC Batarang into the electricity and into the fuse box (same throw). Open the door and hack the panel (Code: IDontThinkSo).

Industrial District - on the Waterfront side you will notice a green device with enemies surrounding it; defeat these enemies and destroy the device. Turn around and drop down to another group of enemies guarding a device; repeat the process and go back to the first device. When at the first device, turn right and go through both doors in order to hack the panel (Code: AreYouKidding).

Burnley - there will be a group of enemies next to the Comms Tower, but ignore them and turn right. Turn on Detective vision and use the Remote Claw on the vantage point. Climb on top of the zip wire and use it (Guide for Batman: Arkham Origins (64)) to go through the window. Hack the panel to reveal a trap. Look up and Batclaw the vent, then grapple up and climb through it. Follow the path to open the main door to reveal the panel and hack it (Code: StoppedYou).

Fast travel to the Industrial District where it will put you next to the Steel Mill. Turn on Detective Vision and go towards the three enemies on the ground. Throw a Sonic Batarang to lure one enemy over and use a takedown (except Silent) to take him down. Wait for it to recharge and throw it to lure a different enemy over and perform any takedown (except Silent). Repeat this on all three enemies (Worst Nightmate 4). Fast travel to Park Row and follow the objective marker. Defeat the enemies, track the frequency, go to the balcony pointed out by Batman, knock out the two guards with the double takedown and go through the door behind them. Turn right, go to the end of the hallway and go through the door that is not covered in tape. Solve the Crime Scene.

Nobody that matters

Who is the Joker?

Guide for Batman: Arkham Origins (65)

1 guideGuide for Batman: Arkham Origins (66)Guide for Batman: Arkham Origins (67)Guide for Batman: Arkham Origins (68)

Head out of Lacey Towers after Aerial Attacking the enemy. Head to the second AR drill in the middle of the bridge, drop down to below the bridge and complete it.

Fast travel to the Batcave and talk to Alfred for some XP. Go towards the workbench near the stairs behind Alfred and pick up the Concussion Detonator. Go to the Batwing and fast travel to Burnley. Head towards the GCPD building, but do NOT activate Detective vision. Remember that you can get caught and it will still count. When on top of the GCPD (Gotham City Police Department) you will want to take out the sniper first and then the police officer patrolling the helipad. Wait until a police officer walks past the helipad and then drop down and take him out. That leaves two guards patrolling and two by the door. You can take these guards out in any way that you choose, but avoid smoke grenades and fire extinguishers as they will turn on your detective vision automatically (Worst Nightmare 5). Go through the door into the GCPD building.

GCPD Building

As soon as you enter, walk down the stairs and blow up the weak wall with Explosive Gel. Jump on top of the elevator and wait for it to stop descending, then follow the path up to the vent and open it. Proceed to crawl through it, do a vent takedown on the police officer and go through the door on your right. Sneak through the open door, perform a double takedown and knock out the other enemy. Look up and use the Batclaw on the vent and grapple up to it. Crawl through it and use the Remote Claw to pass through the group of corrupt police officers.

Sneak through to the open door and silently take out the police officer at the vending machine. Turn right, hack the door panel and go through it. Defeat the enemies, then turn right into the interrogation room where you can takedown the officer and interrogate the henchman. Exit the room, grapple up above the door and then drop down to defeat the enemies.

Explode the wooden barrier blocking the gap in the wall and dive through it, and then follow the path to the locker room. Once in the Locker room, go around the corner and go through the vent. Look up, grapple up and then climb the ladder. Complete the predator encounter however you wish (no requirements).

Hack the main double doors and go through them. Go through the double doors, sneak/takedown the guards and go through the door directly in front of you. Try to hack the door where you'll find that it is being disrupted (you have to try and hack it). Go through the door on your left and defeat the enemies guarding the elevator. Hack the panel on the elevator, drop down, follow the pathway down the stairs and defeat the police officers. Then open up the door with the button next to it, open the doors into the infirmary and blow up the wall blocking the abandoned elevator shaft. Go straight and grapple up the elevator shaft (you will have to use the Remote Claw to reach the top). Climb through the vent and go through the open cell to collect the Disruptor.

Head back to the room that was disrupted before. Do this when you have disrupted the first door and defeated the enemies. Grapple up and drop down to continue going up the stairs. Disrupt the original door and then hack it; go through it to trigger a cutscene.

After the cutscene, Barbara Gordon will distract the police officers while you turn around, open the vent and crawl through it. Cnce through the vent, disrupt the enemies weapon and defeat them, and then go through the door. Follow the path, hack the door to reach the exit, turn left and open that door to reach a cutscene. Drop a smoke pellet, take out the guards and exit the building through the door.

Free Roam 3

Go towards the third AR drill (north side of the bridge) and complete it. Fast travel to Park Row again and head for the manhole cover by following the objective marker.


Follow the pathway until you are introduced to the Martial Artists. Glide kick into the first enemy and then defeat all of them. Once defeated, blow up the wooden panels blocking the sewer entrance. Follow the path, go through the door into the pump room, turn left and grapple up until you see an enemy next to the edge of the ledge. Grapple up and perform a ledge takedown on him and then climb up to defeat the other enemy.

Continue your way around the room until you come to a dead-end with a control box. Press the button and then use the Batclaw to open a valve in order to release the gas. Use the Remote Claw to make a zip line above the window in front of you and use this zip line to defeat the enemy. Then go to the balcony with the panel on it so that you can hack it. This will open up a grate in the side of a sewer.

Jump on top of the balcony and glide kick the enemy who is standing there. Follow the path until you come to an open room with an elevator full of enemies. Defeat these enemies and press the button to make the elevator ascend out of the sewers. Defeat the Enforcer and his henchmen. Turn on Detective vision and use the police super computer to give you DNA analysis. Exit the Sewers via the door behind you.

Free Roam 4

Go to the north side of the bridge to complete the final basic AR drill (Gotham Protector 3), then go to the Final Offer and perform a Grappel Accelerator takedown on the enemy in the sniper position (Gotham Protector 4). Continue to wander around the map until any Crime in Progress appears. When it does, you must complete this (Gotham Protector 5).

Next you will need to find an unaware enemy and throw a smoke pellet at him. Once he is covered in smoke, enter undetected and perform a silent takedown (Gotham Protector 6). Head to the bridge and use the exact same technique for the Point to Point achievement for the 250 metre straight glide (Gotham Protector 7). Head to the Diamond District and get on top of the Comms Tower. Face away from the tower and you should see the Soder Cola building; climb and grapple on top of it (Gotham Protector 8). Go on top of the Soder Cola sign and glide off of it, while performing dive bombs to get further and make a 150 metre glide without the Grapple Accelerator (Gotham Protector 9).

After you have finished those challenges, go to the Gotham Merchant's Bank by entering through the roof (after you have blown up the weak spot in the wall).

Gotham Merchant's Bank

As soon as you enter, go down the stairs, use the Disruptor on the panel above the door and hack it open. Go past the dead bodies and try to open the vault doors. Turn left, look up to pull down the vent in order to go through it and blow up the floor where a predator encounter will start.

First of all, you will want to drop down off the gargoyle, spray explosive gel on both walls and then do the corner takedown as you will most likely be spotted when the guards are searching around for you. When the opportunity arises blow up the wall to knock out a henchman, but do it after you have done the corner takedown.

After the explosive gel has been sprayed, perch on top of the gargoyle on top of the stairs and turn on Detective vision. Once an enemy has entered the left or right room, drop down and enter the grate. Go in the direction the enemy is in and perform the vent takedown (vent cover has to be still attached).

On the ground floor you will notice a grate roof below the bridge. Make sure you climb on top of that and wait by looking (not hanging) over the edge (use the Sonic Batarang to lure them). When that takedown is finished you should have unlocked the challenge (check the menu), if you haven't then restart (Worst Nightmare 6). Interrogate the final enemy and then exit through the front door.

Everyone wears masks

Find the Black Mask

Guide for Batman: Arkham Origins (69)

1 guideGuide for Batman: Arkham Origins (70)Guide for Batman: Arkham Origins (71)Guide for Batman: Arkham Origins (72)

Steel Mill

Ignore everything in free roam and head straight for the Steel Mill. Once inside, defeat all of the enemies and go towards the big doors with the hackable panel. Go left from there, enter the doors over there and go up the stairs but do not open the door. Instead, look up and pull down the vent cover with the Batclaw.

Climb through the vent and scaffolding, then drop down and defeat the enemies. After they have been defeated use the Disruptor on the Sentry gun and hack into Black Mask's computer. Go back to the first panel that you could not get into and hack it. Go through the door and up the stairs to reach another door; enter it and defeat the enemies. As soon as the Enforcer enters you will need to ultra-stun him and perform a beatdown until his armour comes off (perform counters when necessary). After his armour is gone, continue to evade his attacks and perform beatdowns on him until you reach a x50 counter. If you don't get the x50 then restart your checkpoint.

Free Flow Fifty

Reach x50 Combo

Guide for Batman: Arkham Origins (73)

6 guidesGuide for Batman: Arkham Origins (74)Guide for Batman: Arkham Origins (75)

After the fight there will be a button near the moveable wall that will push the crane forward. Push the button, then go onto the handle side of the crane and use the Batclaw to pull the material hanging from it back and into the wall. Grapple through the hole in the wall and wait for the elevator to arrive. Go in the elevator and send it down while you perform a Case File report on the body.

Exit the elevator and open the door to reveal a room full of enemies. Defeat them and follow the hallway to a locked door with a panel; hack this panel and open the door. You will enter a predator encounter. Make sure to do this with no takedowns (including Ground takedown). To do this you must find an isolated enemy and do a beatdown on him and then wait and repeat on a different isolated enemy (Worst Nightmare 7).

Turn on Detective vision, look for Black Mask shouting at you and go through the door that leads to him. Scan the room for Copperhead's poison and then exit out of the same door. Walk through the rooms into the elevator and get back to ground level. Head back to the room where you got the Free Flow 50 achievement and defeat Copperhead (tips in Boss Battle page). Exit via the way you came into the Steel Mill, but first blow up the drug canister next to the front door.

Free Roam 5

As soon as you exit the Steel Mill, fast travel to the The Bowery and get into the street facing the Bank. Turn on Detective vision and you should see orange lines appearing from a Baby's pram; interact with it and Shiva will appear. Complete Shiva's Most Wanted case for the Critical Strikes move. Objectives appear under Shiva's Most Wanted. Achievement Flawless Display also referenced in Most Wanted Case help.

Flawless Display

Successfully battle Shiva without taking any damage

Guide for Batman: Arkham Origins (76)

7 guidesGuide for Batman: Arkham Origins (77)Guide for Batman: Arkham Origins (78)Guide for Batman: Arkham Origins (79)

Go to the middle point of the bridge in order to get the Electrocutioner's signal. Follow it to the Hotel in the Diamond District in order to start the Hotel part of the story. Go to the right hand side of the hotel and enter the garage with burning cars next to it. Defeat the enemies inside, then head down the stairs and enter the Hotel.


When you enter the hotel, head down the stairs and defeat the first two enemies you see. Jump through the broken window and fight the enemies. While fighting, make sure to get 20 Critical Strikes in one combo. You can do this by getting into Free Flow mode (yellow combo meter) and striking, as soon as the strike connects you will have to press the strike button again to get it to count. Restart if you do not get the 20 in one combo (Shadow Vigilante 12).

Go towards the electrified wall and hack the control panel next to it. Throw a Batarang on the switch to turn off the electricity, then look up and use the Remote Claw on the Anchor point to get up there, and open the gate by using the control panel. Go through the gate you just opened and inspect the Joker's Ambulance. Continue going forward and restart the main generator. Enter the main elevator and wait for it to stop.

Go through the door into the lobby, but DO NOT enter Detective mode. You will notice that there are 3 guards on the top half and 5 on the ground floor. First you will want to grapple to the gargoyle on the left hand side and immediately drop down and take down the first guard. Straight after that, head the way the first guard was coming from and take down the guy on the walkway. The third henchman will be walking down the stairs, so make sure you are quick enough to take him out before he reaches the bottom (this will make things easier on you).

The henchman with the jammer will walk to the far right (this is the best place to knock him out) and another henchman will walk next to the stairs on the far left and will stare at a wall; take him out now. The final henchman patrolling will be wandering around the bottom floor, so make sure to study his movement pattern and take him out when it is safe to do so. The final two henchmen near the security room will stay standing still. You can either use a sonic batarang to lure one away or you can easily glide behind them and do a double takedown. If no guard has not noticed anybody who is knocked out, then the challenge should be completed (Worst Nightmare 8).

The 2 final enemies that you knocked out will be guarding the security room, so hack the panel and then enter the room. Grapple up to the window cleaners lift and use the Shock Gloves on the generator. Follow the hallway and go through the door, using the generator on the left wall. Slide underneath the gate and battle the enemies, but make sure to get a x30 combo and 7 variations (they do not have to be in the same combo). Once done, finish the fight (Shadow Vigilante 13), keep on going down the hallway and open the door to the employee's only section. Turn right and look up so that you can pull down the vent cover. Run and jump into it and climb into the elevator shaft.

Jump onto the first elevator but quickly run to the second. The first elevator will fall; charge the elevator so that it goes up. When it stops, grapple up and perform a ledge takedown, then climb up and battle the enemies. When you get to a yellow combo meter and have 3 enemies on the ground, make sure to use a Multi-Ground takedown (Guide for Batman: Arkham Origins (80)+Guide for Batman: Arkham Origins (81)) and complete the fight (Shadow Vigilante 14).

Talk to the hostage, then turn left, power the generator, crawl underneath it and go down the hallway. When you get to the window use the Remote Claw on the Anchor point above the enemy on the other side and use the zip line takedown on him. Slowly go around the corner, use the Disruptor on the sentry gun and power up the gate which reveals some enemies for you to battle. Go through the door to the ventilation shaft and start to make your way up it. Once at the top you will have to press the button to stop the fans from spinning so that you can grapple up to the vent.

Once through the vent, use the Batclaw on the pipe to release the gas so that you can continue. Grapple up to the enemy, perform a ledge takedown, continue through the shaft until you reach a washing machine room, go through the door and turn right. Go underneath the gate and turn towards the enemies so that you can defeat them. Now, turn and go into the Joker's Funhouse.

Turn right and drop down the elevator shaft which is covered in balloons. Exit the shaft and drop down to a new set of henchmen which you will have to battle. Go underneath the floating head and you will notice a hallway filled with electrified water. Look up and aim a Batarang at each button. When they have hit, the covers will disappear revealing Anchor points, so use the Remote Claw on them and glide to the platform with a wooden barrier wall on it. Blow up the wall and hack the panel (Code: KnockKnock).

Drop down and continue through the hallway, and then climb the ladder. Stand on the button and throw a RC Batarang through the electrified eye and into the other eye which has a fuse box located inside. Look up, grapple up to the roller coaster track and follow the track into a room with one of Joker's henchmen being held hostage for a game you are about to play. To win the game you must match the Joker's code that he will give you; do this 3 times.

Go through the door the Joker has just opened and glide to the curved roller coaster track. Glide towards the enemies and defeat all of them. Grapple up, press the control panel to reveal an Anchor point, use the Remote Claw to make a trip wire and then walk across to exit the Funhouse.

Take out the henchman holding an employee at gunpoint and exit through the door behind him. Walk towards the locked gate and go through the grate in order to get to the hostages. When you have rescued them, go through the door and turn right so that you can blow up the wooden barrier in the wall. Grapple up to the gargoyle, then up to the window with a barrier hanging down that says "Ho Ho Ho". Turn right and power up the gate so that you can get into the bomb room. Disarm the bombs with the code HappyNewYear and then jump through the window before the bombs explode and grapple onto the helicopter. When it stops drop down and put on a show for the news by defeating all of the henchmen. Grapple up and enter the building again.

Head through the hallway into the swimming pool room and when in this room you will have to perform 4 loud takedowns (grate, inverted, ledge and knockout smash). Tip 1: go for the inverted takedown first because if the guards notice you they will arm the explosives, making it impossible. Tip 2: the ledge takedown is the one with the batclaw. To perform this takedown you will have to wait for the enemy not to be right next to the ledge, but a bit of a distance away so that Batman uses his batclaw.

If you do these 4 takedowns then you will get the Worst Nightmare 9 and by finishing the room you will get Worst Nightmare 10. Go to the ground floor and hack the elevator panel. Defeat Bane for the first time.

One Rule

Save a life

Guide for Batman: Arkham Origins (82)

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Inside the Joker's Mind/Batman's Hallucination

You will begin playing as the Joker in the middle of a fight. Finish the fight and you will be teleported and dressed in a red hood costume. Follow the only path until you come to a jack-in-the-box and the floor will crumble. Walk down the ramp, through the flames (flames cannot hurt you) and climb up to the above passageway. Continue down the hallway and climb the ladder when you approach it. Keep on going (holding Guide for Batman: Arkham Origins (86) to go faster) until you come to a green pit that will trigger a cutscene which will introduce you to Harley Quinn.

Walk through the Batcave until a street appears which shows you that the Joker killed your parents. A cutscene will play which will end this part of the campaign.

Batcave/Free roam 6

Pick up the Glue Grenade at the workbench and then talk to Alfred. Go and unlock the last two fast travel points.

Amusement Mile - go to the bottom of the tower and look at the sewer pipe with the bottom filled with water. Throw a Glue Grenade at the water and jump on top of it. Use the Batclaw to pull yourself along the water and then jump on to the ground above so that you can go through the door. Look up and grapple. Once up, use the glue grenade to block the gas pipes, then go through the door and defeat the enemies. Look up, pull down part of the ceiling and then use the Remote Claw on the Anchor points above. Grapple up, go through the hallways until you reach the panel door, open it and hack the panel (Code: UWillRegretThis)

Diamond District - on the floor below the top floor in the Comms Tower there will be a window cleaner's lift (looks like the one after Electrocutioner died that you had to power), so power it so that it descends. Blow up the wall with the Explosive Gel and then use the Disruptor on the jammer on the wall. Grapple back up to the floor you were just on and open the main door just above you. Hack the panel after you have secured the area (Code: InConceivable).

Find any enemy and throw a Sonic Batarang at him, and detonate it with Guide for Batman: Arkham Origins (87) (Worst Nightmare 11). Complete Black Mask's Most Wanted Case and in the final room when you first enter the church. Once you enter the church, grapple up to the gargoyles and perform these 6 takedowns (only 5 required): silent takedown, inverted takedown, floor grate takedown, takedown through wall, corner takedown and vent takedown. Even though this is a medium threat takedown room, people have reported that it still gives you the level (Worst Nightmare 12).

Head to the Steel Mill and knock out the sniper, and throw a sonic batarang in order to lure three enemies towards each other. When they are all together, throw a smoke pellet and then proceed to knockout smash all three of the henchmen (Worst Nightmare 13).

Now that all fast travel spots are open, you will need to fast travel to every point (Coventry, Park Row, Diamond District, Industrial District, Amusement Mile, The Bowery, The Batcave). Write down each one you have fast traveled to and make sure that you land in order for it to register.

Around the World

Use the Batwing to travel to all Fast Travel points

Guide for Batman: Arkham Origins (88)

1 guideGuide for Batman: Arkham Origins (89)Guide for Batman: Arkham Origins (90)

Travel to Burnley and go towards the objective marker. Defeat the enemies guarding the manhole cover and then enter it. Head through the sewers but use the Glue Grenades to open up the new path that you will have to go through. Follow the path and glide down to the lower platform that has a door on it. Open the door, keep following the path and go through the 2 sets of gas. Hack the panel (Code: Deadhouse) and climb the ladder.

Scan the corpse, hack the computer to get Bane's tracker and then exit the sewer from the way that you came. Fast travel to Park Row and complete the AR drill located on the left side (below Bane's tracker). Go to the right of Sheldon Park and complete the second and final intermediate AR drill (Gotham Protector 10). Find 3 enemies grouped together and dive bomb until you hit the ground next to them, when you hit the ground press Guide for Batman: Arkham Origins (91) and that will perform the Shockwave attack (Gotham Protector 11).

Go to the middle of the main bridge and glide over the ice; when above the ice Dive Bomb all the way down for Gotham Protector 12. Go directly below the Dismond District fast travel point and complete the advanced AR drill. After, go back to Lacey Towers in Coventry and complete the AR drill (Gotham Protector 13). Head to below the bridge and dive bomb off of the crane. At the last second pull up slightly and maintain a height of 5 metres for 25 metres (Gotham Protector 14).

As the game continues, Crime in Progress' will appear in every district. Keep a note of every district you have completed them in since the challenge has started. The only district you cannot get is the bridge; you will have to get this in the tutorial in New Game Plus (Gotham protector 15).

Gotham Protector

Master the Gotham Protector Dark Knight track

Guide for Batman: Arkham Origins (92)

4 guidesGuide for Batman: Arkham Origins (93)Guide for Batman: Arkham Origins (94)

Head towards Bane's tracker and defeat the henchmen blocking the doorway. Enter the doorway and go down the stairs so that you can open the vent. Crawl through the vent and follow the path until you can drop down an elevator shaft. Drop down and defeat the enemies and then blow up the weak wall with your Explosive Gel.

Use the Glue Grenade to make a raft and pull yourself along with the Batclaw. Climb up and open the door to reveal an ambush of enemies. Defeat them and go through the door with the 'no entry' symbol. Head downstairs and open a door, similar to the Comms Tower panel door, go through and turn right to inspect Bane's screen about the effects of using Venom. Continue through the hallway to reveal that Bane knows Batman's real identity. Go back the way that you came in order to exit the Sewer.

Apprehend Firefly/The Bridge

Head towards the objective marker and a cutscene will appear. Drop down to defeat the enemies below and enter the door to confront Gordon. Hack the elevator shaft and grapple up it. When charging the elevator so that you can jump across, make sure to throw Glue Grenades in order to block the pipes. Continue going up the elevator shaft and go through the door at the top.

Climb on top of the snowed-in elevator and use the Batclaw to pull the vent cover off of the wall. Crawl though the vent into the Boiler room with the first bomb inside of it. There is a propane tank in the middle of the middle floor, throw a sonic Batarang next to the propane tank and knockout smash the henchman that comes to investigate.

Grapple up to the nearest gargoyle and wait for 3 enemies to gather. Once three enemies have gathered, pull out the Remote Claw and attach two enemies together so that they fall on to the floor and then immediately attach the propane tank to the third henchman. This can take multiple tries so if this fails you will have to keep on trying (Worst Nightmare 14).

After the predator encounter you will need to interrogate the last enemy and then remove the bomb cover and disarm it (Codes: Pyromaniac, Locomotives, Flammable). Head out of the door on the left hand side of the bomb, go down the hallway into the elevator and press the button. Wait until you reach the top, exit the elevator, then jump on top of the elevator and jump off onto a higher platform. Charge the elevator and climb back on top of it in order to blow up the weak wall with Explosive Gel. Defeat the enemies and talk to Branden.

Climb up both sets of ladders and go through the door. Turn to your left and climb the railing. Then throw a sonic batarang in between the gap in the railing and jump down off the side. Run to the right side, grapple up to the place that they were originally stood and wait for one of the guards to climb up the railing. When this happens, use the Remote Claw to string the two enemy's together. If they hit the railing just try again as that section takes about 30 seconds. By completing this last challenge you should get the Worst Nightmare achievement.

Worst Nightmare

Master the Worst Nightmare Dark Knight track

Guide for Batman: Arkham Origins (95)

11 guidesGuide for Batman: Arkham Origins (96)Guide for Batman: Arkham Origins (97)Guide for Batman: Arkham Origins (98)

After the predator encounter, head to the right side of the train and open the door with a valve on it. Head up the stairs, press the button in order to lower the train, jump on top of the train and disarm the bomb (Codes: UpInFlames, Accelerate, Nitroglycerin).

Turn left at the entrance and go down the side corridor of the bridge. Run down the corridor and turn right so that you can power the emergency room with the Shock Gloves. Turn left, slide underneath the pipes and then try to blow up the wall with the Explosive Gel. The floor will crumble and you will have to grapple into the train and run through it.

Jump onto the scaffolding and maneuver around them. At the end of the scaffolding use the Remote Claw on the Anchor point. Walk along it and then grapple your way through the next train. Knock out the two snipers on the other side of the passageway of the bridge, go through the doors and defeat all enemies.

Press the button next to the electrified door to deactivate the electricity, go through and deactivate the bomb (Codes: Combustion, Smoldering, Indicinerary). Go back to the room with the train full of hostages by blowing up the weak wall on the same floor as the bridge. There will be a predator encounter in the train room. Complete the encounter and head towards the large fire doors on the left side of the room. Go through the doors and charge the door on the left and go through it. Follow the only available path until you reach the main part of the bridge where you will defeat a large group of enemies. After the fight you will have to defeat Firefly.

Saving Private Alfred

Head to the Batcave and restore the Batcomputer; this will enable Detective mode. Turn on Detective vision and head down the stairs. You will notice Alfred, so glide to him and lift the rubble from his chest. Alfred will die which will require you to restart his heart with the Shock Gloves. Bruce will reflect on all the deaths that have happened that night and you will get a signal from the radio reporting on the Joker taking over Blackgate Prison. You will be automatically taken there.

Blackgate Prison 2

Head to the entrance guarded by enemies and defeat them. Enter the manhole cover in order to get into the sewers. Go through the sewers until you reach 3 dead ends and blow up the floor using the Explosive Gel. Grapple up to the floor above and use the Remote Claw on the Anchor point so that you can get across. Drop down and use the Remote Claw to get around the room.

When you reach a dead end, blow up the wall on your left, glide across and destroy the panel in order to get rid of the electricity flow. Throw a Glue Grenade to get yourself through the passageway underneath the wall you blew up. Climb up and go into the room to your left. As soon as you press the button on the control panel you'll need to throw a RC Batarang through the electricity and into the fuse box in the corner of the room; this will raise the water level. Throw another Glue Grenade and pull yourself next to the weak wall and detonate it. Throw Glue Grenades at all pipes with gas coming out of them in order to destroy the mechanism.

Grapple up and go through the door. Defeat all enemies and power the generator. Jump on top of the elevator, grapple up the elevator shaft and then go through the door. Crawl through the vent and complete the predator encounter.

After the predator encounter, go into the middle room and free Harley Quinn. Face the wall at the north of your map, which is full of Joker's messages in green writing, and drop down. In front of the door will be a few mattresses, so go through the door and follow the path until you reach a room full of enemies. Defeat the enemies and go up the stairs which are located through the door that opens after the fight.

Once up the stairs go around the prison cells and a cutscene with Deathstroke will play. After the cutscene, continue going past the cells and head down the stairs. Defeat all enemies and continue going down the only path and defeat the next set of enemies.

You will have to defeat Bane. When he is defeated you will have to jump-start his heart by pressing Guide for Batman: Arkham Origins (99) 5 times. This will trigger a fight with Bane TN-1. After you have strung Bane up and he has forgotten Batman's identity, head north and go up the stairs. Drop down to Death Row and you will fight with Captain Gordon.

After that fight, head north to exit Death Row and then turn left to enter the Chapel where the Joker is located. After your fight with Joker you have completed the game.

Perhaps sooner, Perhaps later

Defeat the Joker

Guide for Batman: Arkham Origins (100)

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Final Free Roam

After the credits you will be sent into free roam. If you haven't already got the Air Marathon achievement for gliding 26 miles, then you should get it while doing the Most Wanted cases, Case Files and collectibles.

Air Marathon

Glide 26 miles total

Guide for Batman: Arkham Origins (105)

1 guideGuide for Batman: Arkham Origins (106)Guide for Batman: Arkham Origins (107)Guide for Batman: Arkham Origins (108)

Fast travel to the Diamond District and stand directly on top of the building below the Diamond sign on the map (also behind the statue on the ground). Turn on Detective vision and you will see an armoured enemy and a bunch of standard enemies. Shockwave attack them and perform a beatdown on the armoured enemy. Continue your combo to a x50 and exit the combo. Now perform every move you can think of to get a x15 variation. Finish the fight without getting hit for Shadow Vigilante 15.

Shadow Vigilante

Master the Shadow Vigilante Dark Knight track

Guide for Batman: Arkham Origins (109)

4 guidesGuide for Batman: Arkham Origins (110)Guide for Batman: Arkham Origins (111)

After all Most Wanted cases have been completed, head to the Batcave and talk to Alfred until he starts to repeat his conversation. When this happens, head to the training grounds and enter. As soon as you exit the training grounds, talk to Alfred until he repeats himself. Repeat this process until you have the achievement:

Thanks, old friend

Hear everything Alfred has to say

Guide for Batman: Arkham Origins (112)

5 guidesGuide for Batman: Arkham Origins (113)Guide for Batman: Arkham Origins (114)

Go to the same place that you got Shadow Vigilante 15 and use all of your gadgets in one combo. Use the combo that suits you best in which ever order you feel is best. You can also unlock this achievement in the challenge map (see challenge maps for more details).

One of Each

Use every Freeflow Focus gadget in one combo

Guide for Batman: Arkham Origins (115)

2 guidesGuide for Batman: Arkham Origins (116)Guide for Batman: Arkham Origins (117)Guide for Batman: Arkham Origins (118)

When searching for your collectibles there will be random predator encounters on rooftops. Perform a silent takedown on them until you reach 100. This will give you the What Hit Me achievement.

What hit me?

Take down 100 enemies who didn't know you were there

Guide for Batman: Arkham Origins (119)

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Keep on completing Crimes in Progress until you reach 20 completed.

Clean Streets

Complete all Most Wanted missions

Guide for Batman: Arkham Origins (123)

1 guideGuide for Batman: Arkham Origins (124)Guide for Batman: Arkham Origins (125)

When everything you can possibly do in terms of side missions is done, start New Game Plus and not challenge mode because you will want all upgrades for the challenge maps.

5. Boss Battles hints and tips

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Guide for Batman: Arkham Origins (2025)
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Name: Allyn Kozey

Birthday: 1993-12-21

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Introduction: My name is Allyn Kozey, I am a outstanding, colorful, adventurous, encouraging, zealous, tender, helpful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.