Fishtank Live Season One - TV Tropes (2025)

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The Contestants and Freeloaders of Fishtank's first season.




Fishtank Live Season One - TV Tropes (1)

"Meet Violetta, a 23-year-old with a bubbly and scattered personality hailing from Alberta, Canada. Currently unemployed, she spends her days journaling and playing video games, but her real passion lies in connecting with others.

Violetta loves to spend time hanging out with friends on Discord and learning about people from all walks of life. Her curious nature and desire for connection make her a great listener and a joy to be around.

However, Violetta is not afraid to speak her mind when it comes to men behaving stereotypically. She's easily annoyed by those who fall into the trap of toxic masculinity, and is not afraid to call them out on their behavior.

With her infectious personality and desire for genuine connection, Violetta is sure to be a memorable and lovable contestant on the show. So get ready to see her bring her unique perspective and bubbly energy to the Fishtank!"

— Description on the Fishtank page.

  • Iron Butt Monkey: Probably the biggest in the entire show, without exception. YMMV on whether she deserved the hardships she faced, but she endured significant trolling from Frank, had her room wrecked, and her belongings tampered with. She was largely disliked and isolated by almost all the other Fish and Freeloaders, particularly Fatty, who relentlessly harassed her during his time in the house and even lunged at her, spitting on her. Nevertheless, she persevered in the competition and ultimately secured 2nd place.
  • Only Known by Their Nickname: She is mainly referred to by everyone (fish, staff, viewers, etc.) as "Letty", a nickname she provides after introducing herself on Day 1.
  • Seriously Scruffy: When comparing her first and last day in the tank. She becomes skinnier, gets some pretty messy hair and some serious eyebags.
  • Then Let Me Be Mean: Initially, Letty came across as mildly annoying yet innocuous. However, after facing ridicule from fans, fellow contestants, staff, and opportunists for her supposed shortcomings, lack of effort, and overall snarkiness, she was encouraged by some fans to stand her ground. This led her to fully accept her role as the "villain" of Season 1. Ironically, this shift in attitude attracted a new fanbase that viewed Letty as a faux villain who was pushed into the mean girl persona.



Fishtank Live Season One - TV Tropes (2)

"Simmons is a singer who has a deep passion for music. He often reflects on his childhood and wishes he had a singing mentor who could have helped him hone his craft earlier in life. However, Simmons is dedicated to becoming the best singer he can be and is always striving to improve his abilities.

In addition to singing, Simmons has a love for roller skating and was once a champion in the sport. He's also an accomplished traveler, having visited seven different countries while working on a cruise ship.

Simmons has a fierce athletic spirit and is always looking for new challenges and experiences. He's excited to bring that same energy and enthusiasm to the Fishtank, where he can showcase his talents and continue to learn and grow as both a singer and a person.

In fact, Simmons is so dedicated to music that he has even started teaching others about singing on his Instagram page @siimmonszhu. With his passion, dedication, and diverse experiences, Simmons is sure to make a big impression on the show."

— Description on the Fishtank page.

  • Convicted by Public Opinion: Simmons was deemed a creep by both viewers and other contestants after they discovered a collection of books he wrote containing romantic tips for summer camp counselors. He was eventually expelled from the house after a Twitter poll voted to kick him out.



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"Meet Sylvia, the bold and unapologetic musician and artist from Tulsa, Oklahoma. At just 23 years old, Sylvia has already made a name for herself on Instagram, where she goes by the alias 'pissrupt'. With her sharp opinions and outgoing personality, Sylvia is a force to be reckoned with.

As a musician, Sylvia creates music under the name 'DREAM SUBSTANCE', blending her raw emotions and experiences into her sound. Her music is a reflection of her edgy and unconventional personality, and it's no surprise that she is a huge fan of the iconic punk rock icon Courtney Love.

Despite her strong personality, Sylvia is not afraid of being isolated, and she is always up for a challenge. She is determined to showcase her talent and stand out from the crowd, and she is ready to take on any obstacle that comes her way. Her confidence and determination make her a strong presence wherever she goes, and she is sure to make an impact on any reality show she appears on.

Get ready to see Sylvia in action as she takes on new challenges and shows the world what she's made of. With her talent, passion, and fearless attitude, she is sure to become a fan favorite and a force to be reckoned with."

— Description on the Fishtank page.

  • Perky Goth: Downplayed. While she isn't a goth, she does style herself in a sort of alt-fashion, but is way less scary than she seems.
  • Signature Headgear: Her read hat, which, depending on who you ask, makes her either look like Mario or Joseph Stalin.



Fishtank Live Season One - TV Tropes (4)

"An artist hailing from the sunny state of Arizona. Despite her shy and introverted nature, Josie is a creative force to be reckoned with. With a passion for film and media, she attended college to hone her skills and develop her artistic voice.

Josie is a self-proclaimed anime enthusiast and has a particular affinity for Dance Dance Revolution. Her love for gaming is evident in her pink and white gaming chair, which takes pride of place in her bedroom alongside her collection of highly-regarded animated series plushies.

Although she may come across as a little awkward at first, Josie is not easily phased. She embraces her introverted nature and uses it to fuel her creativity, producing artwork that is as unique and compelling as she is.

''With her quiet determination and passion for her craft, Josie is ready to take on the world and show everyone what she's made of. Don't be fooled by her shy exterior - Josie is sure to leave a lasting impression on anyone she meets.

— Description on the Fishtank page."''

  • Ambiguously Brown: Often confused for an East Asian. In actuality, she is Native American.
  • Baby Of The Bunch: Sometimes comes across as this due to her innocent-seeming behavior. Also literally, as she is the youngest member of the cast (or was until Ella showed up), though only two years younger than Letty, Jon and Sylvia.
  • Can't Hold Her Liquor: Consuming alcohol essentially turns her into a younger female version of Sam Hyde.
  • Character Tic: Her stimming, which is both a source of humor and of adoration.
  • Demoted to Extra: Or perhaps ascended to extra. In Season 2, she returns as a Fishtank Live Season One - TV Tropes (5)staff member.
  • Girls Love Stuffed Animals: Josie became known for her love of stuffed animals, to the point where one of the more expensive "fishtoys" was for having staff members give her additional plushies.
  • Fishtank Live Season One - TV Tropes (6)Memetic Mutation:
    • Her stimming.
    • "Erm... what the spruce?"
  • Obfuscating Stupidity: Is not only way less simple than she lets on, but also less innocent, as fans quickly discovered her old Deviantart account, revealing she is an occasional gore artist.
  • Fishtank Live Season One - TV Tropes (7)Produced by Cast Member: She returns in Season 2 as one of the staff along with Vance.
  • Seriously Scruffy: She was already kind of scruffy, but six weeks in the Fish tank led her to end up with some really messy hair and eyebags due to lack of sunlight.



Fishtank Live Season One - TV Tropes (8)

"With his easy-going and agreeable nature, Mauro is known for being one of the friendliest people you could encounter. He has a natural charm that puts people at ease, and he is always happy to lend a helping hand.

Mauro is a bit of a phone addict, but he uses it to stay connected with his loved ones and keep up with his favorite reality TV shows. He's a big fan of the genre and has seen many popular reality shows, making him an excellent source of trivia for any fan of the format.

While Mauro is highly loyal to his friends and family, he has a strong aversion to people who lie to him. He believes in honesty and integrity and always strives to be truthful in his own life.

With his affable personality and vast knowledge of reality TV, Mauro is ready to take on new challenges and show the world what he's made of, all while staying true to his friendly and honest nature."

— Description on the Fishtank page.

  • Big Fun: The largest fish on the cast, and easily the most laid-back and sociable.



Fishtank Live Season One - TV Tropes (9)

"This individual is a true jack-of-all-trades. Between working in commercial lending, running a small electric bicycle business, opening a restaurant, and modeling, he's always on the go and always giving 100%.

Although he may have a speech impediment, it is often mistaken for a European accent, adding to his unique and charismatic presence.

Prior to his diverse career path, Jonathan was a wildland firefighter, honing his skills in isolation and adventure. He isn't afraid of anything and embraces new opportunities and risks with open arms.

Jonathan's adventurous spirit and love for learning have helped him thrive in various fields, and he is always on the lookout for the next challenge to tackle. With his drive and passion, there's no doubt that he will continue to make waves in whatever he does next."

— Description on the Fishtank page.

  • Berserk Button: He displays quite a few during the show, but Simmons in particular becomes one after he is kicked from the show. His reaction when the contestants discover several of Simmons' camp counselor books (the contents of which resulted in his eviction) planted around the house by staff is to call them "unholy scriptures" before tearing one apart and refusing to join the others reading them.
  • Broken Pedestal: He was genuinely broken up by the revelation Simmons is a pervert and spends the rest of the day in a terrible mood which allegedly resulted in a drunken meltdown offscreennote and a bad hangover. It takes about an entire day after for his spirits to return to normal.
  • Cloud Cuckoolander: Can come across as this to many viewers due to some puzzling acts and assertions that he makes. Notable examples include:
    • Declines to sleep in a bed as he believes it would get taken away at any time, opting to resort for more uncomfortable options like the floor or an empty bed frame.
    • Claiming that he prefers to drink coffee in place of any water or H20, making his above-mentioned hangover worse for him.
    • Details a special technique for climbing dead and rotting trees that literally defies the laws of physics.
    • During The Cell challenge, he flips over a bed and attempts to sleep while pressed under it. Later, he loses the challenge after accidentally making a hole in the wall from repeatedly and loudly kicking at it when he hears The Entity lurking outside.
  • Conspiracy Theorist: Quickly became notorious for his numerous conspiracies about the government, religion, and other contestants.
  • Elmuh Fudd Syndwome: Jon has a Speech Impediment that prevents him from pronouncing Rs correctly. While this is a source of humor, apparently it sometimes makes him appear European.
  • Feigning Intelligence: He's not stupid, but is clearly nowhere as smart and knowledgeable as he tries to appear to be.
  • Hair-Trigger Temper: Jon can be easily angered by various things, primarily if he believes someone is disrespecting or him or doing something he dislike, which is often and easy to come by, making plenty of entertainment for the audience.
  • Manchild: To viewers who aren't amused by his Cloud Cuckoolander tendencies, might instead consider him this. Jon is prone to annoying the other fish for his abrasiveness, unbelievable ramblings, and generally being noisy while he stays oblivious. He also makes it very plain when he's upset, at best refusing to partake in challenges and giving the silent treatment, at worse he will barricade himself in an effort to calm down while ignoring everyone else's concern.
  • Fishtank Live Season One - TV Tropes (10)Memetic Mutation: His way of speaking.
  • Mistaken Nationality: Allegedly, his speech impediment gets him mistaken for a foreigner on more than one occasion.
    • Funnily enough, while this never really manifests from Jon himself, an A.I. made to replicate his voice as a TTS option tends to sound rather British, especially when it reads out messages not specifically written to mimic his speech impediment.
  • Odd Friendship: Develops one with Simmons in the first week of the show, before it deteriorated due to the above incident. They are frequently seen interacting and participating in challenges together, Fishtank Live Season One - TV Tropes (11)even feeling and massaging one another at different points.

    Jason Goldstriker: Hey!Fishtank Live Season One - TV Tropes (12) Gay guys much? Just kidding. That's a joke.

  • Only Known by Their Nickname: People typically shorten his name to just "Jon".
  • Serious Business: Jon is both an admirer of infamous influencer Andrew Tate and a devout Christian. These aspects have been to subject to tantrums, such as when he accused Simmons of mistreatment and discrimination after he refused to let Jon portray Tate in a comedy sketch and was enraged when he found out Violettanote had put his Bible in the washing machine, causing him to throw the rest of its pulpy remains at her in anger.
  • Workout Fanservice: Tried to do this by loudly doing 310 squats on camera:

    Chris Rose: For all the people calling me a pussy in chat, try doing 310 squat you fucking pussies!



Fishtank Live Season One - TV Tropes (13)

"Introducing Vance, a 25-year-old delivery driver from Auburn, Washington. With his disarming and goofy personality, Vance is always up for a good laugh and loves to mess around with people. In fact, he's pretty darn good at it!

Vance's love for baseball is evident — he even asked if he could bring his cleats to the show. He's always up for a game, even if it's just throwing a ball around with his fellow contestants.

Although he may seem carefree and lighthearted, Vance does have some nerves about forgetting he's being filmed and accidentally getting naked. But hey, sometimes you just gotta let it all hang out, right?

Before joining the show, Vance felt stuck in a rut and was searching for something drastic to shake up his life. Fishtank seemed like the perfect opportunity, and he's ready to dive headfirst into whatever challenges come his way.

With his infectious personality and willingness to have fun, Vance is sure to be a memorable contestant on the show. So watch out, because once he gets going, there's no stopping him!"

— Description on the Fishtank page.

  • Demoted to Extra: Or really, ascended to extra. In Season 2, he returns as a Fishtank Live Season One - TV Tropes (14)staff member.
  • Fishtank Live Season One - TV Tropes (15)Produced by Cast Member: He returns in Season 2 as one of the staff along with Josie.
  • The Stoic: Tries to be this. However, at times, he is even less sociable than Josie, and gets accused of being The Bore.



Fishtank Live Season One - TV Tropes (16)

"A San Francisco native who embodies the essence of the West Coast:laid-back, always ready to smoke, and down for anything. He's half Filipino and half Irish, but his humor makes it hard to tell if he's joking about his ethnicity.

Damiel is an influencer and rapper, known for posting hilarious content on his Instagram page @therealestdamiel. He got his start as a Vine star, but is now looking to break into the reality TV world to take his career to the next level.

With his comedic talent and charismatic personality, Damiel is sure to bring some laughs and entertainment to the show. Whether he's freestyling or cracking jokes, he knows how to keep things light and entertaining.

But don't let his easygoing nature fool you, because Damiel is also a savvy media mogul in the making. He's constantly pushing himself to try new things and grow his brand, and Fishtank is just the latest adventure on his journey to success.

So get ready to see Damiel in action, because he's sure to bring the heat and show us all what he's made of."

— Description on the Fishtank page.

  • Jerk with a Heart of Gold: His aggressive demeanor quickly takes a backseat as he gets to know the contestants better.
  • Fishtank Live Season One - TV Tropes (17)Promoted Fanboy: Damiel is actually a friend of Jet's which he recruited after one of their previous choices backed down. It doesn't make his role any less genuine, though.
  • 10-Minute Retirement: Briefly evicted for showing his naked behind on stream and getting it struck down from YouTube.
  • Madness Mantra: Started saying "Dude that sucks" and humping the sofa for minutes on end by day 15.
  • My Girl Back Home: When he and Josie are trying to fall asleep, he opens up to her about his wife and child.



Simon/Tai Nguyen/Tai the Gunslinger

Fishtank Live Season One - TV Tropes (18)

Appearances: Season 1 | Season 2 | Fishtank All-Stars Vampire Bloodgames/Season 2.5

Simon, a witty and charismatic stand-up comedian, hails from the vibrant city of Austin, Texas. With a penchant for creating infectious beats and showcasing his rap skills, he spends his free time honing his craft and entertaining his growing fan base. Aspiring to delve into the world of acting, Simon dreams of starring in an A24 production one day. Be sure to catch a glimpse of his unique humor and impressive talent by following him on Instagram @tainguyenz and subscribing to his YouTube channel TaiNguyenComedy. Get ready to witness his unforgettable journey on Fishtank as he keeps viewers hooked with his wit and charm!

— Description (Season 1) on the Fishtank page.

  • Asian Speekee Engrish: His heavy Vietnamese accent is a notable trait of his and part of why fans are entertained by him, though some can't agree if it's really an accent or if he has a Speech Impediment similar to Jon.
  • Breakout Character: Despite being brought on solely to act as a Doppelgänger of Simmons, Simon became adorned by fans for his easy-going manners, being Actually Pretty Funny, his willingness to join in the show's chaos, and of course, because he Fishtank Live Season One - TV Tropes (19)bwoke the Fishtank. He subsequently returned again as a Freeloader for Season 2, and as a party member for All-Star Vampire Bloodgames.
  • Creepy Good: He has a Face of a Thug, is balding and he'd be easy to confuse for a creep, but he instantly wins the rest of the house over.
  • Our Presidents Are Different: On Day 23 of Season 1, he won the presidential race challenge and became the President of the Fishtank. He then created a constitution to set up five laws, which he entrusts Frank, his appointed sheriff, to enforce. The rules are: 1. Everyone has to watch Chris' stand-up for ten minutes daily and must laugh genuinely, or he’ll keep going, 2. No socks or shoes allowed, 3. Women can’t wear makeup, 4. Everyone must work out with Chris for an hour each day, and 5. No nicotine. These rules only apply to the Fish; Freeloaders are off the hook.
    • But Now I Must Go: On Day 26, Simon decided to exit the show, claiming he did such an good job as President now that the Fish completely ignored the rules. With Frank not stepping up to enforce anything and Simon not taking action either, he basically "bwoke the Fishtank." As a reward for his efforts (and since "breaking the Fishtank" was supposedly his secret mission), Goldstriker gives him $50,000 and arranges for him to be flown to their headquarters in Las Vegas.
  • Fishtank Live Season One - TV Tropes (20)Role-Ending Misdemeanor: After Jason gaslit Simon into being more racist for a roasting challenge, he asked fans to create fake screenshots of viral tweets, Reddit posts, and news articles that criticized and tried to cancel Simon. This made Simon think his comedy career was finished and he retreated to Bedroom 4, where he got drunk, smoked cigarettes, and thought about quitting the show, all while being sent TTS messages both supportive and mocking, which he responded to by calling them "cracker ass crackers." Eventually, he regained his confidence after being elected President of the Fishtank.
  • Sixth Ranger: Is introduced as the ninth contestant to replace the first three which were kicked out, left and were voted out respectively.
  • So Unfunny, It's Funny: His stand-up relies heavily on this, featuring several moments where the other contestants have to sit through one of his routines that barely gets any laughs. Still, the audience seems to love the awkwardness that comes from it.
  • Suspiciously Similar Substitute: Played for Laughs. His name and appearance eerily resemble Simmons, who was kicked out of the game a week prior. However, they don't share a similar personality.



Fishtank Live Season One - TV Tropes (21)

"Introducing Lance, a 25-year-old delivery driver from Auburn, Washington. With his disarming and goofy personality, Lance is always up for a good laugh and loves to mess around with people. In fact, he's pretty darn good at it!

Lance's love for baseball is evident — he even asked if he could bring his cleats to the show. He's always up for a game, even if it's just throwing a ball around with his fellow contestants.

Although he may seem carefree and lighthearted, Lance does have some nerves about forgetting he's being filmed and accidentally getting naked. But hey, sometimes you just gotta let it all hang out, right?

Before joining the show, Lance felt stuck in a rut and was searching for something drastic to shake up his life. Fishtank seemed like the perfect opportunity, and he's ready to dive headfirst into whatever challenges come his way.

With his infectious personality and willingness to have fun, Vance is sure to be a memorable contestant on the show. So watch out, because once he gets going, there's no stopping him!"

— Description on the Fishtank page.

  • Doppelgänger: Played for Laughs. He looks almost exactly like Vance, and was instructed to act like him. Even his description is the same.
    • Evil Doppelgänger: It's quickly released Lance is a plant sent to antagonize Vance in secret.
  • Sixth Ranger: He's introduced as the tenth contestant on day 19.
    • Sixth Ranger Traitor: He was placed into the tank to serve as Vance's enemy.



"Ella was homeschooled her entire life, but is ready for some hardcore socializing. Ella enjoys drawing, playing guitar, hanging out. She used to work at plant nursery for years, has a lot of experience in horticulture (too bad there’s only fake plants in the Fishtank). Ella patiently waited to turn 21 to get inside the Fishtank. It’s her birthday. Former megachurch attendee, she spent years as a southern Baptist Christian but has changed her ways since entering adulthood.

Ella aspires to make music and art and is hoping to get an audience for her future endeavors.

— Description on the Fishtank page.

  • Baby Of The Bunch: She turned 21, and thus became eligible to join the tank, only a few days before she was introduced. This made her the youngest contestant on Season 1, stealing the title from Josie.
  • We Hardly Knew Ye: ...though not for long as she opts to leave after only two days in the tank.
  • You Remind Me of X: She has a ton of similar quirks to Josie as many have pointed out, which fits right in with the Doppelgänger gimmick that a lot of the Season 1 Freeloaders have. It’s likely something the production team did on purpose.



"Meet Betty, a 23-year-old with a bubbly and scattered personality hailing from Alberta, Canada. Currently unemployed, she spends her days journaling and playing video games, but her real passion lies in connecting with others.

Betty loves to spend time hanging out with friends on Discord and learning about people from all walks of life. Her curious nature and desire for connection make her a great listener and a joy to be around.

However, Betty is not afraid to speak her mind when it comes to men behaving stereotypically. She's easily annoyed by those who fall into the trap of toxic masculinity, and is not afraid to call them out on their behavior.

With her infectious personality and desire for genuine connection, Betty is sure to be a memorable and lovable contestant on the show. So get ready to see her bring her unique perspective and bubbly energy to the Fishtank!"

— Description on the Fishtank page.



Homeless black guy from the Bronx. Dontarius is involved in a loving cuckold relationship with Alex and Alex’s wife. Not much is known about Dontarius, he really just needs a place to stay. He and Alex are great friends but often have arguments about the wife they share.

— Description on the Fishtank page.

Fishtank Live Season One - TV Tropes (2025)
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